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"Never say never", quoth the fabulist - September 2021 Newsletter

Dear friends, dear customers,

This September is a busy time for us. For the first time in 11 years a selection of our own model is available in a department store in Paris. We have chosen the one whose identity was in synch with ours, to wit, Le Bon Marché (24 rue de Sèvres in the 6th arrondissement). Of course, during our talks with the people in charge at the ‘BM’ (the insider’s name), the thought of the fable of the two pots clashing was not a little disturbing for us:

The Earthen Pot said to the Brass Pot, ‘Pray keep at a distance and do not come near me, for if you touch me ever so slightly, I shall be broken in pieces, and besides, I by no means wish to come near you.’ Equals make the best friends.

We could only acknowledge our diminutive size as compared to the Bon Marché, one of the flagships of the LVMH empire. But was the moral of the fable good advice? Aesop’s fables are really lacking in unicorns. How would he have fared as a start-upper? Probably not better than Elon Musk as a writer.
Aesop’s fables can show some reluctance to take chances, as in The fisherman and the little fish: A small gain is worth more than a large promise.

The moral is hardly an incentive to invest, take risks and bet on innovation. Unless it’s a warning against unrealistic promises—in one version, the little fish claims it will turn a hundred times bigger. So just this once, we shall not follow the fables’ guidance. But we’ll still bear in mind that forewarned is forearmed.

Have a great September month!

Jacques & Vincent

If you'd like, you can read the complete email in <a href="">English</a> and in <a href="">French</a>.

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