Luxury socks - Sales
Sales at Mes Chaussettes Rouges, the fair price all year round?
"Are your products going on sale?" In order to stay transparent and in response to the very reasonable question of our customers, we would like to share our point of view on promotional offers during the yearly sales season. This year, once again, Mes Chaussettes Rouges will not be offering special discounts on its products. We invite you to learn more about the reasons behind this...
The launch of the annual sales period marks the start of the hunt for bargains. In the current economic climate, it is often difficult to resist the alluring promises of great discounts and savings. But is it really worth it? The phenomenon of sales in France was born in the 19th century, on the shelves of the first big department stores, such as Petit Saint Thomas, the predecessor of the well-known Le Bon Marché (a stone's throw from our Parisian boutique). This period of sales used to be called "La semaine blanche" (The white week), as a reference to the colour of the snow and the traditionally white sheets that would always go out of stock for the occasion.
This week of discounted prices allowed customers to benefit from low-priced products and merchants to maintain a reasonably sized stock for the following seasons. Everyone had something to gain from it, so how could one resist the temptation? Alas, behind the charm of this concept, we soon discover that not everything is as white as snow. We would like to point out the hypocrisy of certain brands in this vicious circle of sales and promotions.
The "bargain" jungle all too often hides the real strategy of the brand, which normally isn’t as beneficial for the clients as it might seem. To compensate for the financial losses linked to the sales, brands inflate their prices during the rest of the year. The "operation temptation" becomes just another way of encouraging consumption, and not a real relief for customers’ wallets. Moreover, the peaks in consumption during these repeated sales periods are the source of many additional logistical costs, which are also passed on to consumers.
Numerous studies show that many people only shop during sale periods. How do they stay relevant through the rest of the year? Some retailers opt for the strategy of constantly renewing their collections in order to convince customers that they need to keep buying new products. Unfortunately, this stock renewal is often achieved at the expense of product quality. In short, we consume more and less well.
Between the illusion of low prices, overproduction and the obsolescence of products, the idea is no longer to reduce the stock but to urge customers to buy as much as possible. Given these circumstances, sales contribute to maintaining a system of overproduction and overconsumption, from which we as a brand want to distance ourselves.
At Mes Chaussettes Rouges, we are committed to offering quality products at fair prices all year round. Since the creation of the company, we have been working on an economic model directed towards sustainable and ethical consumption, aiming at the right balance between economic efficiency, environmental preservation and social equity. It is therefore only natural that we refuse to participate in the sales dynamic, preferring to continue to operate in a way we consider fair and sustainable.
In our boutique and on our website, you can find timeless models of the most exceptional socks at the same price all year round, with a constant guarantee of quality on all our products. Below you will find a selection of the pairs of socks most appreciated by our dear customers. In conclusion, our socks are never cheaper than today!