Striped knee-high socks
Striped socks
Striped socks - also known as bicolour - are great if you want to give your socks an extra touch of colour in a discreet way.
Discover more than 70 striped socks with coloured ribbing in knee-highs, fromcotton lisle to wool, as well as the Super-Durable range.
Also available in mid-calf.
The stripes

# How to wear striped socks?
The stripe is a classic and elegant pattern that allows you to subtly vary plain socks. If there's one pattern to have in your sock drawer, this is it! We offer two types of striped socks: vertical stripes, the most discreet which are visible when the sock is pulled tight (Bresciani and Mazarin), and horizontal stripes, which are wider and give a relaxed look (Gallo).
Colorful ribbed socks, also called vanilla socks, allow a multitude of color combinations. Bring a touch of delicate color to your outfit by matching the ribbing to your pants or shoes!
# Our favorites
As you might expect, we all love our socks. But if we had to select the must-haves, here is what we would suggest:
- Navy blue & royal blue from Brescini, a versatile and elegant classic;
- Bresciani brown & navy blue which will match all your brown shoes;
- Mazarin sky blue & raspberry for a daring but very subtle touch of color when combined with navy blue pants or shoes;
- Mazarin carmine & yellow , which brings a warm and luminous touch to outfits in sober colors, such as gray.
Fun fact : some pairs of vanilla socks are reversible, so you can wear them inside out to reverse the colors and add relief to your socks – like with this light gray & aubergine Mazarin pair .

Nos coups de cœur
Comme vous vous en doutez, nous aimons toutes nos chaussettes. Nombre d'entre vous entretiennent une collection conséquente ! Mais si nous devions sélectionner les must-have, voici ce que nous vous proposerions :
- Les bleu marine & bleu roi de chez Bresciani, un classique passe-partout, sobre et élégant. Une version similaire existe dans la gamme Super-solide chez Mazarin en mi-bas et en mi-mollet.
- Les super-solides bordeaux & bleu de chez Mazarin, disponibles en mi-bas et mi-mollet. Une des paires de chaussettes les plus élégantes et aisées à associer de notre collection.
- Les marron & bleu marine Bresciani qui s’accorderont avec tous vos souliers marrons.
- Les bleu ciel & framboise Mazarin pour une touche colorée osée mais très subtile lorsque qu’elle est associée à un pantalon ou des souliers bleu marine.